
Stage one, two and three submissions

List of stage one submissions(external link)   View stage one submissions via Google Drive(external link) 
List of stage two submissions(external link) View stage two submissions via Google Drive(external link)
List of stage three submissions(external link) View stage three submissions via Google Drive(external link)

Submissions made on the following proposals are not included in those lists or file hosting services and can be found in additional proposals.(external link)

  • Temporary earthquake recovery activities.
  • Memorial Avenue Investments Limited (MAIL) Business Park - private plan change request.
  • Residential new neighbourhood.
  • Residential medium-density zoning in parts of Hornby, Linwood and Papanui.
  • Corridor protection setback rules for an electricity distribution line running between Heathcote and Lyttelton.
  • A 500m2 GLFA maximum tenancy for offices in some Commercial and Industrial Zones.
  • Rezoning 112 Waimairi from a Residential Suburban Density Transition Zone to a Specific Purpose (Tertiary Education) Zone.
  • Proposal for deeming provisions for zoning new and stopped roads outside the central city.